Friday, May 22, 2009

First week in College

Attended 3 days event of Orientation TARC. The most "jia lak" things is the food of the canteen. On Thursday, i had my lunch at the canteen. Suddenly, I felt that my stomach got some "problem". I knew the problem was came from the food. However, i endure until i went back to home. That night, i went to toilet about 4 times. So hate that feel... I think next time i need to prepare my lunch box myself le. Just 1st time eat then kena le!! Wanna buy 4d jor... Haha ^-^!!

Came back about 10days, money also spend a lot... Wanna plan to work part-time jor, if not my money will ~~~


  1. walao...
    until today still stomachache meh...
    FAst FaST sue the canteen la...

  2. hey...U r studyiing at TARC???
    what course r u taking?

  3. Yup!!
    Logistics & Supply Chain Management.
    How about u? Busy recently?
